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Best Custom Screen Printing Company
Great Screen Printing From Your Local Print Shop


Minneapolis Screen Printing Services

One way of creating a functional but budget-friendly advertising tool is through screen printing. Without worrying about unwanted marks and printing varieties, we can imprint your company name, logo, tagline, or marketing messages on t-shirts, office supplies, and equipment.

Minneapolis Screen Printing Services screen printing apparel printing cn

No other reputable print shop provides a low-cost Minneapolis screen printing service than Minneapolis Printing Services. We deliver long-lasting and appealing products that can be tailored to any marketing need and project financial plan. Our screen printing service ensures ultimate satisfaction to whoever needs top-tier employee uniforms and eye-catching promotional pieces for their business.

Aside from printing your anticipated printable, we will also assist you in brainstorming the perfect design. No matter how big the production you need, our team will show competency in achieving high-quality projects. We guarantee premium products that are completed quickly and cost-efficiently.

Call Minneapolis Printing Services at (612) 662-6682 for your Free Consultation with a Minneapolis Screen Printing expert!

Types of Screen Printing Applications

Screen printing can be used on a wide range of materials. While it is more popular among fabrics used for advertising freebies, it is extremely effective for branding various other materials, too.

We understand if you have trouble deciding, so our screen printing specialists are ready to assist you in determining the most appropriate material for your product, budget, and advertising technique.

Among the screen printing applications that we provide are the following:

Our most popular screen printing service is textile or fabric printing which is primarily used for advertising materials such as T-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, and employee uniforms. Our team of experts utilizes heat-treated washable ink and ensures that your designs are equally attractive and will stay for a long time.

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For promotional purposes, screen printing is commonly used for glasses and ceramics. Many glass and ceramic materials can be used to meet the marketing goals of almost any form of business; thus, they are widely known for screen printing products today.

Some of the few most popular screens printed glass, and ceramic products are mugs, cups, plates, and bottles (such as perfumes, liquor, and cosmetics). Consult our team to see which item is best for your particular brand.

Currently, electronics are common giveaways due to their functionality for students and professionals. A marketing campaign involving screen printing on these items could put any business into leverage. Being part of our daily lives, using electronic devices for market promotion will increase your brand’s visibility.

Stop stressing about any delays or damage to your chosen electronic, too! Trust that we are both professionally proficient and prepared with top-quality printers.

We can also supply banners, posters, point-of-purchase displays, and a variety of other promotional items. So it doesn’t matter if you aren’t looking for promotional items right now since our screen printing service can also accommodate various types of graphics. Screen printing, on the other hand, allows for mass production and the simple personalization of products.

Opt for Minneapolis, MN Screen Printing Now!

In terms of personal or business needs, we are the most credible supplier of printing products and services. Any tool and training that meets all of your printing requirements, we have them! Quantity, printing method, or material type are also not a problem since Minneapolis Printing Services is equipped with all of that.

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Our Minneapolis, MN screen printing service is particularly unique. We can provide attractive and long-lasting print products in a budget-friendly process; that’s why many businesses consider it to be extremely beneficial to them. We can all use the aforementioned screen printing materials to make remarkable marketing tools.

Aside from screen printing, we provide a variety of other services. In addition, Minneapolis Printing Services offers digital printing, design, binding, copying, and direct mailing. Everything from in-house documents to advertising materials and even personal signage for an occasion can be handled by our team of printing professionals.

Let’s Talk More

Minneapolis Screen Printing Services minneapolis printing logo  main resultGo further than the ordinary with your marketing campaign! In terms of graphics, colorful and attractive prints capable of withstanding an extended exposure to the sun or other elements are what you need. That is the purpose of screen printing!

By contacting our screen printing team today, you are one step closer to having compelling marketing materials that will certainly improve your business’s bottom line!

Call Minneapolis Printing Services at (612) 662-6682 for your Free Consultation with a Minneapolis Screen Printing expert!